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发布:2023-11-24 (11:03:18)


  据了解,青年数字发展主题论坛是2023年世界青年发展论坛四场主题论坛之一,由中华全国青年联合会、世界青年发展论坛组委会主办,中国青年报社、中国青年创业就业基金会、KAB全国推广办公室承办。(中青报·中青网记者张诗童 实习生武沛云)

Nigeria's delegate uses sign language to express the digital economy in her eyes

  Veronica Uwajeh, 29 years old, became hearing impaired in an accident as a child. Growing up, she deeply felt the discrimination and marginalization of people with disabilities in the society. Therefore, she founded the "Quality Education Without Barriers" project in Nigeria to provide learning assistance to people with disabilities through captioning, visual aids and sign language interpretation. On October 31, Veronica attended the Thematic Forum for Digital Development of the 2023 World Youth Development Forum. She realized that the development of the digital economy has a profound impact on the youth, giving them opportunities for innovation, entrepreneurship, personal development and remote work. At the same time, the inclusiveness of the digital economy is also crucial for social equity and economic growth, to ensure that the youth with disabilities are not left behind. Veronica stated, “We should provide better quality education without barriers to equip young people with disabilities with the skills they need to participate in digital work, so that every young person can have the opportunity to achieve self-development and succeed. ”

  The Thematic Forum for Digital Development is one of the four thematic forums of the 2023 World Youth Development Forum. It is hosted by All-China Youth Federation and the Organizing Committee of the World Youth Development Forum, and organized by China Youth Daily, China Foundation for Youth Entrepreneurship and Employment, and KAB National Promotion Office. (Elena Zhang, Journalist from China Youth Daily;Intern, Winifred Wu)



